2nd Trap in the Queen Gambit Accepted via 6.Qa4+

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On this page of chess-openings-for-beginners.blogspot.com you will learn the 2nd trap of the Queen's Gambit (it may occurs in the Queen Gambit Accepted which is 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4, and it is a typical trap for a chess beginner when he incorrectly repulses a check of the white queen via 6.Qa4+ (not best white move in the position). Let's learn the 2nd trap in the Queen's Gambit Accepted.

Notes. The 2nd trap in the Queen's Gambit Accepted via 6.Qa4+ is shown below as a recorded chess game analyzed by a chess engine. The chess engine's evaluation means the following: + white better; - black better; = 0.00 to 0.50 equal; 0.51 to 1.00 slightly better; 1.01-1.50 better; 1.51 much better; ? bad move; ?? blunder; ! strong move. Example: +1.47 means that white is better as if he won 1.47 pawn.

2nd Trap in the Queen Gambit Accepted via 6.Qa4+

1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 '+0.49
Queen's Gambit Accepted

Queen Gambit trap

3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 g6 '+0.60
So far, the parties are playing correctly.

Queen Gambit trap

5.Bxc4 Bg7 6.Qa4+ '-0.10 Nbd7?? '+2.96
6.Qa4+ is not best for White ('-0.10), but it is a trapping move counted on 6... Nbd7??.
Instead of 6... Nbd7??, Black may play 6... c6 7.Qc2(Qb3) 0-0 '-0.03(-0.05).
Instead of 6.Qa4+, a best for White is: 6.0-0 Nc6 7.b3 0-0 '+0.68.

Queen Gambit trap
7.Bxf7+! Kf8 8.Bb3 Nb6 9.Qa5 '+2.54 (Black is bad: no castling, h8-rook blocked, poor development)
7.Bxf7+! Kxf7?? 8.Ng5+! Ke8? 9.Ne6 '+5.76 with losing the queen.
7.Bxf7+! Kxf7?? 8.Ng5+! Kf8? 9.Ne6+ '+6.05 with losing the queen.
7.Bxf7+! Kxf7?? 8.Ng5+! Kg8?? 9.Qb3+ 'M3 with mate in 3.
Black should resign in all variants.

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Most Common Trap in the Queen's Gambit Accepted

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On this page of chess-openings-for-beginners.blogspot.com you could learn the 2nd trap in the Queen Gambit Accepted via 6.Qa4+ which is a common trap for chess beginners who try to incorrectly repulse a check of the White queen via 6.Qa4+ (which is not a best move for White in the position, but it is a trapping move counted on Black bad respond 6... Nbd7??).