About This Chess Opening Blog Site

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Welcome to chess-openings-for-beginners.blogspot.com! This website (blog site and blog on Blogger) is designed for chess beginners to learn chess openings by text, video, PDF ebooks and PGN files. You may hardly find another site with such profound information for beginners on chess openings (except big sponcored like chess.com and few unknown, valued but abandomed, unsponsored ones)...

On this chess opening blog on Blogger with the domain name stated above, you will get:

General Chess Opening Information | Theory

How to Play Open Game Openings | 1.e4 e5

How to Play Semi-Open Games | 1.e4 not e5


Playing chess is mental fight, real fun, and good strong self-improvement. And learning chess openings is one of the most difficult chess topic (especially this topic is difficult for the chess beginners). From the other hand, knowing chess openings is very important for saving your time in playing chess and getting a positive result in a chess game (which bring a part of your being happy in this life).

Blog Site Concept

• To cover only one learning topic - Chess Openings for Beginners.
• To provide free educational materials including PDF ebooks and PGN files.
Note 1. The PGN file allows you to see and analyze all chess games recorded in the file.
Note 2. Inside the PGN file you can see the names of chess openings and ECO codes.

Note 3. To open and read PGN files, you will need a PGN Viewer program.
• To provide PDF ebooks to learn Chess Openings at home.
• To provide Chess Openings videos to learn at site.
• To provide simple, essential, and effective stuff.
• To have the Sitemap for quick navigation within this blog site.

Blog Site Support Team

The blog is supported by the former ChessElo Team which also runs:
Chesselo.com was abandoned by our team on 25 Dec 2018.

To start learning chess openings on this blog, you may use the following links:

How to Learn Chess Openings on This Blog *Recommended

Chess Openings Sitemap - See All Lessons

To open this chess opening blog for beginners in your web browser, you can use the following domain name chess-openings-for-beginners.blogspot.com. This chess opening blog is unknown for the majority of chess players but is recognizable by Google. To quickly find this chess blog on Google, use the following keywords: chess openings beginners blogspot. Thank You for Support!